Upcoming Events

Webinar – Reopening During a Pandemic: Is it Safe to Go Back Into the Water?

Now that employers are finalizing or implementing their "Return to Work" action plan, they are experiencing new challenges with enforcing protocols, adhering to ever-changing federal, state and local guidelines, and accommodating worker needs (e.g., mask exceptions, high-risk worker requests to work remote, etc.). This webinar will explore some of the common challenges facing employers as […]

Vet It To Get It – Decision Support Tool

What does decision support look like to you? We want your help to explore ideas on what additional decision support tools you think will help employees, while keeping the enrollment process simple and efficient. If you would like to join our Vet It To Get It Session on Thursday, June 4th from 2:00 pm - […]

Vet It To Get It – Admin Insights

We want to empower administrators with more data! Help us to provide useful stats and more dashboard widgets about the health and use of Bentek. If you would like to join our Vet It To Get It Session on Thursday, June 11th from 2:00 pm - 2:45pm (EDT), please contact Michela Vaccaro, at 800.244.3696 or […]